Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Drug Enforcement Administration ( Dea ) - 917 Words

Dayana Silgado CJ 2600-01 The DEA actually stands for, â€Å"the Drug Enforcement Administration† this administration was created in 1973 by President Richard Nixon (DEA). The Drug Enforcement Administration was created to have greater impact on stopping drug deals and any type of drug distribution within the United States. Many people believe the DEA is separate from the other law enforcement agencies, but the Criminal Justice System all comes together to prevent any drug related incidents and stop them whichever way that they can. Drug enforcing agencies existed way before the 1970s. President Hoover founded the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930, different names but both have the same purpose when it comes to this drug problem that the United States seems to be dealing with even till this day. The FBN was not as big as the DEA is today, but it sure was an up and running Federal bureau. It wasn’t high staffed yet, but the staff it did have had many concerns about cocaine being distributed through the streets. The worst part is, that not only were there cocaine issues, but there were marijuana issues as well. â€Å"By 1936, all 48 states had enacted legislation to control the cultivation of the cannabis plant, but its production and use were not prohibited by federal law until 1937, when Congress placed marijuana and hashish in the category of illegal, federally controlled drugs when it passed the Marijuana Tax Act† (DEA). With all of these different drug issues startingShow MoreRelatedThe Drug E nforcement Administration ( Dea ) Essay1189 Words   |  5 PagesIt’s been used traditionally as both a medicine and a textile. It’s reportedly helpful for treating drug addiction, and its consumption has never resulted in a documented death from toxic overdose. But the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) considers it a dangerous drug with no medical value. Sound familiar? No, this isn’t about Cannabis. This is about the leaves of a native Southeast Asian tree commonly known as â€Å"Kratom.† Its official botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa, and it’s the onlyRead MoreDrug Enforcement Administration ( Dea )2134 Words   |  9 Pagesthe Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona and the Federal agency called the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). I will explain the history of each agency, where these agencies have their jurisdiction, the types of crimes they investigate and describe the similarities and differences between the Oro Valley Police Department in Oro Valley, Arizona and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). History The Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD) has kept the peace since 1974. In 1983Read MoreDrug Enforcement Administration ( Dea ) Essay1602 Words   |  7 PagesDear U.S Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), I am writing to you, as to express my concern about the heroin abuse issue. 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To my knowledge the DEA may have manyRead MoreEssay on The Drug Enforcement Administration 1712 Words   |  7 PagesOrigin of the Agency The Drug Enforcement Administration has a long history that marks its significance and succession. Much had been going on during the late nineteen-sixties and early seventies that shaped the years between such as: the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the Hippie movement, the closing days of the Vietnam War, the disbandment of the Beatles, Woodstock, the first man on the moon, and the beginning of the Watergate scandal (to name a few). President Richard Nixon took officeRead MoreEssay about Swot Analysis: Police and Society979 Words   |  4 PagesPolice and Society SWOT Analysis (Paper #1) Ever since September 11th, 2001 a lot of Law Enforcement agencies were created. Many were federal level agencies and others were state level agencies. 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The DEA has several sole responsibilities; in congruency with mid level medical providers such as Nurse Practitioners (NP); it is the lead agency for domestic enforcement of the Controlled Substance Act with the sole responsibility of coordinating and purs uing U.S. drug investigationsRead MoreDea Research Paper804 Words   |  4 PagesAverage Law Enforcement August 3, 2011 DEA: Putting an End to the National Trafficking In the twenty-first century there is a plethora of drugs distributing from Mexico to the United States all the way to Canada causing numerous people to be sentenced to prison, to depart from their families, and to even die. Luckily, there is one law enforcement agency created by the U.S. government to banish these horrible facets, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Breaking down and destroying drug empiresRead MoreThe Department Of Alcohol, Tobacco, And Firearms1036 Words   |  5 Pagesof Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, U.S. Marshals Service, and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. We must answer the following question: What are the mission or goal of these agencies? When were they established? Briefly discuss each of the agencies history. Discuss some of the difference between these agencies. The first agency is called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. The mission for the ATF is a â€Å"Law enforcement agency in the United State Department of Justice that protects ourRead MoreCriminal Justice : A Drug Enforcement Administration Agent977 Words   |  4 Pages Law Enforcement category of criminal justice is a Drug Enforcement Administration agent. This job requires dealing with all major drug offenders, such as drug trafficking and major drug trades. DEA agents work for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and their mission is to eliminate the use and sale of drugs in the United States. The duties of a DEA agent change based on the current drug issues. Some of the duties that an agent may be asked to perform include investigating new drugs emerging

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